Sweet potato chips in Air Fryer

Sweet potato chips in air fryer
time air fryer recipes

20 Minutes

Air fryer recipes for diners

2 people

Recipe published on the Healthy Airfryer Recipes App by the user @ Moni cooker

Sweet potato chips in Air fryer

Enjoy this recipe on how to make Sweet potato chips in an air fryer. Swap the bagged chips for delicious sweet potato chips, finely chopped and cooked, thyme-scented, in the deep fryer without oil.


  • 1 large sweet potato
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • .


  1. Preheat the fryer to 180°C.
  2. Wash the sweet potato until the skin is very clean, as we are not going to peel it.
  3. Cut it into thin slices.
  4. Then mix them in a bowl with the oil.
  5. Add salt, pepper and the thyme, and stir so that everything is well distributed.
  6. Put the sweet potato chips in the fryer, in a single layer, and cook for 15 minutes.
  7. Check the doneness beforehand and remove them when they are crispy and golden brown.

Chef’s Recommendations

You can replace the thyme with your favourite seasoning: oregano, herbs provençal, rosemary…They are crunchy and very tasty. You will have a super healthy snack without remorse, enjoy!

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