Lemon salmon in Air Fryer

Lemon salmon in air fryer
time air fryer recipes

15 Minutes

Air fryer recipes for diners

1 people

Recipe published on the Healthy Airfryer Recipes App by the user @ Vasago

Lemon salmon in Air fryer

Enjoy this recipe on how to make Lemon salmon in an air fryer. A simple salmon in no time at all


  • Fresh salmon
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • .


  1. Preheat the fryer to 200º for 5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, put a squeeze of lemon juice in a bowl and mix the salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste.
  3. When the mixture is ready, with a kitchen brush, paint the salmon generously.
  4. Place the salmon in the fryer skin side down and wait for about 20 minutes.

Chef’s Recommendations

And that’s it! It is juicy on the inside and with a “crunchy” touch on the outside. I accompanied them with some cherry tomatoes… Delicious.

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