Banderillas in Air Fryer

Banderillas in air fryer
time air fryer recipes

20 Minutes

Air fryer recipes for diners

4 people

Recipe published on the Healthy Airfryer Recipes App by the user @ Alaia

Banderillas in Air fryer

Enjoy this recipe on how to make Banderillas in an air fryer. Enjoy this delicious recipe for homemade banderillas.


  • 1 cup pancake flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • Wheat flour
  • Pork or turkey sausage.


  1. Mix the flour, egg and milk in a bowl.
  2. Skewer the sausages onto the skewers and roll the sausages in the flour until they are completely covered and shake a little to remove the excess.
  3. Using a spatula, spread a thin layer of the batter over the sausages, making sure to cover the sausages well.
  4. Place the skewers on the skewer base and transfer to the air fryer.
  5. Cook in the air fryer at 200° for 7-10 minutes or until the batter is golden brown and cooked through.

Chef’s Recommendations

The only special thing to achieve this recipe is to have an air fryer skewer rack.They turn out great and your guests will love them both big and small. It’s very versatile and can be served with any sauce you like, including spicy ones.Enjoy!

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