Bacon and courgette quiche in Air Fryer

Bacon and courgette quiche in air fryer
time air fryer recipes

45 Minutes

Air fryer recipes for diners

3 people

Recipe published on the Healthy Airfryer Recipes App by the user @ Rebe

Bacon and courgette quiche in Air fryer

Enjoy this recipe on how to make Bacon and courgette quiche in an air fryer. Delicious and healthy bacon and courgette quiche recipe.


  • 1 tub of bacon strips
  • 1/2 courgette
  • 1 onion
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 glass of milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cheese wedge
  • .


  1. Cut the onion and place in the air fryer together with the bacon at about 190 °C for 5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile chop the courgette into small cubes and place in the air fryer for about 10 minutes (or until soft)
  3. Beat the eggs, add the milk and season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in the poached ingredients and set aside.
  4. Stretch out the dough and place it in a mould. Add some raw chickpeas or prick the base so that it does not rise.
  5. Put it in the deep fryer at 190º for about 8/10 minutes. Halfway through, remove the chickpeas and continue baking.
  6. Grate or chop the cheese and add it to the reserved filling (bacon, onion…etc)
  7. Add the filling to the base and bake at 190º for 10/15 minutes or until it is set.
  8. Warm and enjoy.

Chef’s Recommendations

Quiches usually use cream or evaporated milk, but if you use normal milk it will be much more tender on the inside and with less calories.

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