Falafel with yoghurt sauce for air fryer

Falafel with yoghurt sauce in air fryer
time air fryer recipes

30 Minutes

Air fryer recipes for diners

4 people

Recipe Falafel with yoghurt sauce published on the Healthy Airfryer Recipes App by the user @ Cristal

Falafel with yoghurt sauce in Air fryer

Enjoy this recipe on how to make Falafel with yoghurt sauce in an air fryer. Perfect as an appetizer or side dish are


  • 300 g garbanzo remojada
  • One small onion
  • Two cloves garlic
  • Parsley and coriander
  • Salt, pepper
  • Half a teaspoon cumin
  • A creamy yoghurt
  • Half a lemon
  • A clove of garlic
  • Half a teaspoon of baking powder


  1. Soak the chickpeas in the refrigerator the night before.
  2. In a food processor, chop the onion, two cloves of garlic, a bunch of parsley and a bunch of coriander.
  3. Add the well-drained chickpeas on top and blend until smooth.
  4. Now add salt, pepper to taste, half a teaspoon of ground cumin, the yeast and stir until everything is mixed together, transfer it to a bowl and put it in the fridge for at least an hour so that the mixture takes on the flavours and more body.
  5. Now it’s time to form small balls the size of meatballs, if they stick to your hand, moisten them a bit.
  6. Carefully place them in the bottom of the fryer basket without touching each other, steaming with oil at 180 degrees for 12 minutes, then after 8 minutes open and turn them over so that they are cooked from below.
  7. Remove and serve on a platter with the yoghurt sauce we are about to make.
  8. In a bowl, whisk together the yoghurt, salt, pepper, the juice of half a lemon, the other garlic chopped as finely as possible and a bunch of coriander, also finely chopped.
  9. Ready to enjoy

Chef’s Recommendations

You can make them and keep them, I coat them with a little chickpea flour so that they don’t stick together, then all you have to do is fry them, they can also be frozen If you don’t like yoghurt sauce, replace it with mayonnaise and they are also very tasty.

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